The year is flying by and I have not been very active with the camera for the last month. Lots going on , my daughters wedding and a trip away with the caravan taking up most of the time. Last weekend I found myself with some spare time so starting Friday after work I went to see a few butterflies, something that's new to me and it was nice to see my first Heath Fritillary which is very localised. Saturday morning I helped out with a Bittern survey at Stodmarsh arriving at the Marsh hide about 0600. Staying to midday I ticked off lots of the local resident birds but did not see any Bitterns. We were hoping to see a few feeding flights but was not very successful. Last year was a real success story for Bittern at Stodmarsh with three youngster's showing well from the Marsh hide lets hope we have more of the same this year. Sunday together with Steve Ashton I went out watching Peregrines. Masters of the skies they are and we were pleased to contact them. I also visited yesterday dodging the showers and was rewarded with a few photos. Other local birds seen were Corn Bunting, Skylark and Meadow Pipit. Very nice.